The Cliffwater BDC Index (CWBDC) measures the performance of lending-oriented, exchange-traded Business Development Companies, subject to certain eligibility criteria regarding portfolio composition, market capitalization, and dividend history. The CWBDC is a capitalization-weighted index that is calculated on a daily basis using publicly-available closing share prices and reported dividend payouts. The CWBDC Total Return Index includes two components: 1) Income Return and 2) Price Return.

Click here to view CWBDC Index on Bloomberg

{{ isIndex ? "Index" :}} Characteristics

  • Close ({{contextDate}}): {{ isIndex ? "" : "$"}}{{close}}
  • Number of Companies: {{noOfCompanies}}
  • {{ isIndex ? "Index Yield" : "Dividend Yield" }} : {{yield}}
  • Market Capitalization: {{marketCap}}
  • NAV Premium/Discount: {{premiumDiscountPercent}}
  • Launch Date: January 1, 2015

CDLI Q1 2024 Fact Page

Private Debt

Capital Market Assumptions

Yield (%) as of {{contextDate}}

Performance (%) through {{contextDate}}

Asset Seniority of {{tickerSelected}} as of {{asserSeniorityDataTicker}}

Top 10 Index Holdings as of {{contextDate}}

Asset Seniority of CWBDC as of {{asserSeniorityDataIndex}}